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All programs funded by MCCSS that are offered by Middlesex Community Living MUST be applied for through Developmental Services Ontario (DSO).

To apply for programs and services funded by MCCSS click here.

Accommodations (Group Living)

Our accommodations services offer people with developmental disabilities the opportunity to live independently within their community. Middlesex Community Living supports people in accommodation services with as little or as much support as they need. Middlesex Community Living operates several houses in Strathroy. Each location is staffed with qualified personnel who assist with the day to day tasks of independent living as well as support a person’s choices and self determination for their own lives.

Supported Independent Living

Middlesex Community Living supports many adults in the Strathroy-Caradoc area who live in their own homes either alone or with a roommate or two. People have staff support to assist them with budgeting, shopping, making meals and participating in their community. People who use the services of this program direct the hours and levels of support to best suit the demands and needs of their lifestyles.

Community Respite

Middlesex Community Living offers respite services. Overnight, weekend and weekly respite care for eligible families is available in Strathroy. People visiting our respite program experience new and exciting opportunities to test their independence while away from their regular caregivers. Along with 24 hour support, Middlesex Community Living staff plan and promote a variety of activities and adventures. Program fees may apply. For more information about Community Respite please email mclgeneral@middlesexcl.on.ca.

Host Family

The Host Family program at Middlesex Community Living is a tremendously valuable arrangement. The program identifies and matches people who would like to live in a supportive family environment with families who are looking to offer support and assistance to people with developmental disabilities. Each person in the program experiences the opportunity to share and contribute to more than just a house of bricks and mortar. People who participate in this program get to share in the lives, dreams, struggles, and successes of each member. The Host Family program regularly gives people inspiration and occasions to discover greater independence and self-value.

To learn about becoming a Host Family provider, please contact Lorna Beauchamp at 519-245-1301 ext. #331 or send an email to lbeauchamp@middlesexcl.on.ca.

Continuing Education

In partnership with the Thames Valley District School Board, Middlesex Community Living offers continuing education classes. People enrolled in the Continuing Education program will be supported in their pursuit of further learning and developing a better understanding of math, reading and important life skills that can enhance their independence.

Our education program is:

  • Community based
  • Supported with modified and accommodated lessons
  • Person-centred and flexible
  • Available at convenient times
  • Geared to small class sizes
  • Enhanced with technology
  • Designed for on-hands learning

Facilitating Youth Independence

What happens after high school? Typically young adults want to discover and express their freedom. At Middlesex Community Living we encourage young adults with developmental disabilities to spread their wings and foray into their community. We do however understand that this can be a very confusing and anxious time for both the person and their families. For that reason we offer a program designed to assist and prepare young adults 18-22 who are transitioning from high school into community life. This program works to connect young people to opportunities for leisure, practical learning and volunteering. The F.Y.I. program offers short term guidance and support with the final goal of helping people to be fully independent in researching, registering for and participating in community based activities and events.

Supported Employment

Read any Human Resource journal and you’ll quickly see the prevailing theme when it comes to the benefits of working. Employment can help to reduce social isolation, depression and loneliness by offering people the opportunity to acquire skills, talents and experiences that promote confidence, independence and a greater feeling and appreciation of self worth.

Middlesex Community Living supports people with training services and staffing to obtain and maintain competitive employment in their community. People participating in our supported employment program are assisted to learn, practice and develop the skills needed for the job they would like to have. People receive as much support as they require to integrate and participate into the workforce.

Person Centered Planning

Person Centered Planning is a great way for people to discover who they are and where they want to go in life. A small group of people, led by a person receiving the support, can work together to help explore, identify and participate in new experiences, activities and opportunities built around the goals and desires a person has for their life. Planning is a great way for a person to know that they have been heard, that their dreams and goals are valued and that they have the support around them to make great decisions.  Planning makes sure that there is accountability in working towards and successfully completing the steps to successfully realizing a goal. A plan also gives everyone a purpose and a written document to refer to to keep everyone and everything on track.

A planning session includes meetings with our planning facilitator, the person and those who know them best. There are a number of useful tools that our planner will use to get the conversation started and the creative juices flowing.  Once all the talking and planning is complete, a Person Centered Plan is drawn up and submitted to the person and their support network to keep things moving. Follow-up meeting can also be arranged.

Program fees may apply.

Passport One Administration*

Passport is a program that helps adults 18 years or older with a developmental disability to participate in their communities. It also helps caregivers of an adult with a developmental disability take a break from their caregiving responsibilities. Passport One funding can be administered and managed through Middlesex Community Living. We offer highly trained and qualified staff to assist people to participate in their community,  respite, person directed planning, employment supports, and daily living assistance are just a few of the things we can help with. To access assistance with managing Passport One funding, please contact mclgeneral@middlesexcl.on.ca.

Passport provides funding for services and supports so adults with a developmental disability can:

  • Take part in community classes or recreational programs
  • Develop work, volunteer, and daily life skills
  • Hire a support worker
  • Create their own life plans
  • Get temporary respite for their caregivers
* Passport One funding requires an application for funds to be made through the DSO.